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Category: Horses

DRPC Spring Horse Trials

Wanda and I had the opportunity to compete in the Novice Horse division at the Difficult Run Pony Club horse trials for the first time as a team. I’ve been there a MILLION times with previous horses, since Frying Pan Park is my ‘home turf’ for…

Home from Aiken – Bittersweet

As you have probably noticed from Facebook/Twitter updates, Wanda and I have returned from Aiken to my parents’ home in Fairfax Station, VA. There is a point in time when being a working student starts to wear on you both mentally and physically, and I think ending things…

Aiken Plague

We’ve been hit! Jennie was the first to get it, and now I have been brought down by the plague. It’s a pretty weird illness which starts as a headache at night and gives you a horrible achy feeling in the morning. Unfortunately my day off…

Ohh Aiken!

So we’ve relocated to Aiken, SC for the winter, and things are going pretty well! The work here is definitely more tough and the days are longer. I’m actually running out the door but wanted to give a brief update.. will do more later!! What happens…

10 days till Aiken!

There are 10 days until the official move to Aiken! Emma’s been crazy trying to get all the horses clipped and all the stuff together to take down with us. I’m actually heading home to northern VA this weekend (Friday to Sunday) to attend an HA…

Another Day at TPF!

Today I got to ride a horse Phillip owns named Houston, and may be looking to buy. Everyone here thinks I’m crazy because he’s definitely not the easiest horse to ride, but I did flat work with him today and actually felt pretty good. I&#8217…

Plantation Bareback Puissance?!

Last day of Plantation Horse Trials and a crazy one it was! Phillip gave us the opportunity to take a break from work and watch the CIC*** at 11:30, so we rode some of our assigned horses and headed over. When we got there, they were finishing up the…

Plantation Crazy

This week/weekend was Plantation Horse Trials and CIC. Luckily this event was about 15 minutes away, so transporting horses to and from the event was pretty easy. Today was the x-country day, and the weather was PERFECT! Phillip scheduled all the horses at True Prospect to have the…

AEC’s and a roommate!

Phillip and the crew are on their way back from the American Eventing Championships. Things went pretty well, but everyone who had faults knew they could have changed things to make them better. Final Results: Advanced (6) Phillip – 2nd Nate – 3rd Jennie – 6th Intermediate (16) Jennie &#8211…

Oh what a day!

I haven’t updated in a while, mostly because it has just been crazy getting settled here at True Prospect. Things with me are going so much better after a bit of a rocky start getting used to the craziness that is here! My horse Sully is doing loads…