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Category: Sports

The 2015 Tri-2-Beat Cancer Triathlon (Sprint)

Wooooo!!!!! That is where I’ll start. This weekend was insanity.  I ordered a new tri kit from Coeur Sports which arrived on Thursday before the race.  Talk about cutting it close. THEN, (Major TMI Warning) the ::ahem:: lady ::ahem:: came to visit me for the first time since…

My First Triathlon Season’s End – Bittersweet

My very first triathlon season came to a bittersweet end this weekend with the finish of the Miami Man International Triathlon in Miami, Florida. As always, it was a whirlwind of a year between flat tires, injuries, weather setbacks, and training difficulties.  I can honestly say I’ve experienced…

The Giant Acorn Sprint Triathlon

Another sprint triathlon in the bag! Today was the Giant Acorn Sprint Triathlon, held at Lake Anna State Park in Virginia.  It was an absolutely gorgeous venue with a lake swim out and back, a rolling hill bike, and a trail-road one loop run. Nathan had an event he…

International Distance Complete!

In my last post, I had discussed the probability of dropping from the international distance to the sprint distance at the Luray Triathlon this past weekend.  Of course, a few good friends of ours let us know they were having their housewarming on Saturday afternoon, which left us trying to…

Custis Crash

As you may have noticed from the title of this post, I was recently involved in a pretty terrifying bicycle accident.  I’ve been training pretty aggressively, and I’ve put about 250 miles on my new bike since I got it in April.  Four months of riding…

Pohanka Nissan/Hyundai – YMCA Colonial Beach Sprint Triathlon 2013

The Pohanka Nissan/Hyundai – YMCA Colonial Beach Sprint Triathlon was held this past weekend, on Saturday July 13th in Colonial Beach, VA. The start was at 6:50AM, so we had to leave home in Arlington at around 4:30am (way too early for this!). Nathan and I entered…

Naylor’s Beach Sprint Triathlon

Yesterday I achieved another goal – I completed a sprint triathlon and became a triathlete. This goal was not easy to come by, and it did not go smoothly.  There were days before the race I just couldn’t train anymore, and a lot of mentally frustrating workouts.  My…

The TJHSST Pi-Miler

Saturday morning my brother and I braved the threat of terrible weather to run the 3rd Annual Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology Pi-Miler!  The run was 3.14 miles (hence the name), and consisted of a loop through the nearby neighborhoods of TJ.  I needed a…

Staunton, BBQ, Races, & Snow Days

Whew, the last two weeks have been yet another whirlwind in the life of the Goldsmith family!  Nathan and I have been very busy getting things together, trying to organize our living space to a state of comfort, and planning trips to take in the next few months. Learning the…

Showers, Color, and Skins!

This past weekend was jam-packed. Saturday Nathan, mom, and I drove down to Charlottesville for a wedding shower at his family’s church.  We had a fabulous time, and everyone was so very generous to us!  It was a little hard, because I didn’t know very…